What would happen to your pets if you were in an emergency situation and could not return to take care of them?
Emergencies and accidents can happen. Who will get your pets home safely if you have a medical episode while walking or transporting your pets? Who will feed and take care of your pets if you are incapacitated? Our Pet Emergency Alert Cards can make a difference in your life and could save your pets' lives. They can give you peace of mind knowing that your pets will be taken care of by someone you trust during an emergency.
Our bright, custom cards were designed to alert emergency personnel that you have pets waiting for you to return in the event that you become incapacitated. The card can speak for you in the event of such an emergency.
The front of the card has space for your name and phone number. The back of the card has space to list how many dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, reptiles, etc. you have, their names, your address, space for 3 emergency contacts / designated caregivers and veterinarian information. Plus, there is also a line to add special instructions (ex. if your pet has medical issues, is scared of strangers, other info the caregiver should know, etc.).
Fill it out and carry it in your purse or wallet next to your driver’s license or ID. Put one in your pet stroller or attach it to your pet carrier or kennel. Stick one on your fridge or other prominent place in your home. Keep one with you at work, in your car, glove compartment, bike bag, on your boat, camper or RV. If you travel with your pets and leave them in a hotel room for awhile, keep one of the cards in the room. Give one to your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers and clients who are pet parents.
Makes a thoughtful petsitter client gift; some even fill out their info as one of the emergency contacts before giving it to their clients. Also great for fundraising for rescue, shelter and adoption organizations.
• Business card-size: 3.5” x 2”
• Thick paperstock with a matte finish
• Easy to write on; recommend using a ball-point pen or thin Sharpie marker
• Designed and printed in the USA